Wednesday, November 22, 2017

For many years I have stood in front of sales training classes where the blank stare of sales professionals looks back at me, and I wondered from where these folks came. Most are not in the class because they desire to spend two days or any fraction thereof to make themselves more proficient in the science helping the prospect find the compelling event that is driving the desire to use and enjoy the supplier's product, service or offering. 
No, they are here because they were told to be here. Looking for the magic pill, their leaders have sent them to be the best they can be. 
When they get home, the leaders will groom them to even higher levels! Yah right! Not a chance. In most cases, the leaders bail out and do not attend the class fearful of being embarrassed in front of their sales teams not having a clue on how to use the selling skills presented let alone to coach others on their use.
While training a sales team is essential, it is too easy for sales reps to get distracted or not apply what they learned from training. To see a significant performance impact teams need sales coaching that regularly pushes each of sales representative through practice drills and workouts. Reaching the top takes dedication and hard work.
Let's look at why this happens. In many cases, sales managers become the leaders that they are because they were very skilled salespeople. Their leaders faced the desire to expand the capabilities of the overall sales force many of which were and continue to be weaker sales performers. The ambitious goal is for the sales leader now promoted sales manager to become the coach and to bring the sales team along. While this is a noble plan, it usually fails to a large extent because the skills to be an exceptional sales leader are not the same as being an outstanding sales trainer or coach. The sad result in many cases is that the time the sales manager now places in grooming "wet behind the ears" mediocre sales performers takes away for the production of the best salesperson in the organization.
You see top management expects that the sales leader now manager and coach will still produce at the highest levels as an example of the overall sales force. These results do not happen.
A disciplined coaching component must support an exceptional sales training experience. Today companies spend billions of dollars a year in sales training with the sole objective of increasing the competency of their sales representatives. The problem with sales training is retention; what’s learned in the classroom is quickly forgotten in the field if there is no reinforcement. Within a matter of months, the company is effectively back to where they started. 
Occulus is an artificial intelligence-based coaching platform that ensures lesson in sales training is put into practice in the field on a long-term basis resulting in higher performing sales representatives. Learn more by going to our website and then select the tab for OCCULUS.